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Agents of Change in Environmental Justice
Agents of Change in Environmental Justice. Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and the Environmental Health News teamed up to create Agents of Change in Environmental Justice, a program designed to empower emerging leaders from historically excluded backgrounds in science and academia to reimagine solutions for a just and healthy planet. Each year Agents of Change hosts a cohort of 12-15 early career environmental health scientists, providing training in science communication and other skills.

Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) works with communities, implementing effective strategies to limit their exposure to toxic substances and to protect and restore the ecosystems that sustain them and their way of life. With a focus on Environmental Health impacts in the Arctic region, they work to eliminate the production and release of harmful chemicals by industry and military sources, ensure the public’s right-to-know, achieve policies based on the precautionary principle, and support the rights of Indigenous peoples. ACAT coordinates CHE-Alaska, providing opportunities to learn about the best available science through CHE-related activities, such as partnership webinars and news updates.

Black Women for Wellness
Black Women for Wellness (BWW) is committed to the health and well-being of Black women and girls through health education, empowerment, and advocacy.

Cancer Free Economy Network
Cancer Free Economy Network (CFE) is a dynamic network of diverse teams, experts and stakeholders from the environmental, social justice, health, science, policy, legal, labor, business, and communications sectors working together to prevent cancer and accelerate progress towards a healthy, regenerative, and equitable economy for all.

Children’s Environmental Health Network
Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN) is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment. Today, CEHN is the voice of children’s environmental health in the nation’s capital, one that is uniquely informed by a strong basis in pediatric and environmental health science.

Climate Equity Collaborative
Climate Equity Collaborative (CEC) is a public-private-partnership that engages nontraditional partners in climate innovation and climate action. Their aim is to engage at the system-level by centering their initiatives on climate education, children’s environmental health, and environmental justice.

Coming Clean
Coming Clean is a nonprofit environmental health collaborative working to transform the chemical industry so it is no longer a source of harm, and to secure systemic changes that allow a safe chemical and clean energy economy to flourish. Their members are organizations and technical experts — including grassroots activists, community leaders, scientists, health professionals, business leaders, lawyers, and farmworker advocates — committed to principled collaboration to advance a nontoxic, sustainable, and just world for all.

WE ACT for Environmental Justice
WE ACT for Environmental Justice (WE ACT). WE ACT’s mission is to build healthy communities by ensuring that people of color and/or low income residents participate meaningfully in the creation of sound and fair environmental health and protection policies and practices. Founded in 1988, the community-based organization is headquartered in Harlem with a Federal Policy Office in Washington, DC. In addition to engaging and mobilizing our community, we advocate for legislation at the city, state, and federal levels to advance environmental and climate justice.